Hygiene measures at DAGA 2022

Please note: The information on this page is updated on an ongoing basis. We ask all on-site participants to inform themselves about the current regulations, especially in advance of their arrival. Thank you for your support!

DAGA 2022 is based on the hygiene concept of the University of Stuttgart and the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg. The regulations below are subject to the current regulations at the time of the conference. The following hygiene measures will be implemented:

1. Admission solely for recovered and vaccinated persons

Please present the following documents upon entry. Participants must keep this proof ready for the duration of their stay.
After a successful check, you will receive a tag that is valid for the current day and can be shown when changing buildings.

How and where can I get tested easily and free of charge in Stuttgart?

Admission to the conference is 2G, so no testing is required.
At your own request and discretion, a test can be taken once per day at the following locations:

Overview of test centers in Stuttgart

Test centers near the conference (as of 27 Jan):

2. Hygiene measures for on-site authors and discussion participants

On-site authors will be given a microphone with a protective covering to wear during their presentation, which will be disinfected beforehand. Please make sure to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m from the audience and all other persons during your presentation and discussions.
Before using the presentation laptop, please use the disinfectant wipes provided on stage to clean the keyboard and computer mouse.

3. Data sheet for covid tracing

Upon entering the conference site, you will be asked to register daily for Covid tracing. The collection of this data serves the competent health authority for contact tracing in case of an infection case and is required by the authorities. The following options are available for this purpose:

  • We recommend using the Corona warning app: You use it to log into the event via the QR code provided at the conference entry.
    The Corona warning app can be downloaded here for Android and here for i-Phone.
  • Alternatively: You enter your contact details in a data sheet (paper). This information will be kept for 28 days in accordance with data protection regulations and then completely destroyed.

What should I do if I have symptoms or a positive test result?

Rules of conduct in case of suspected infection (BZgA, in German)

If you show symptoms or fear that you are ill, please stay at home or in your hotel room and dial the telephone number of the medical on-call service: 116 117. Please also contact our Covid 19 officer [telephone number and e-mail will be announced shortly].

If you express any signs of infection on site during the conference, please go outside and contact the staff at the entrance area. You will be directed to the first-aid room where you will receive medical attention from the first-aid staff and can contact the health hotline 116 117. Please also contact our Covid 19 officer [phone number and email will be announced shortly].

Please also use the Corona warning app and enter your posivite test result there.

4. mandatory use of masks

The FFP2 mask requirement applies in order to guarantee participants a higher level of protection against infection at DAGA 2022, even beyond the current regulations. The speakers are excluded from this rule during the time of their presentation (see notes in point 2).

5. strong spatial separation in the foyers and in the conference halls

To ensure spacing, only every second seat may be used. The routing is planned in a one-way system. Please follow the floor markings. The outdoor area may be used for mask-free breaks.

6. cleaning and disinfection

Disinfectant will be provided at the conference office and media check-in, at each catering station and in the toilet facilities. Contact surfaces will be cleaned regularly.