Instructions for oral presentations (on-site & online)

The schedule of DAGA conference is divided into time slots of 20 minutes:

  • 15 min presentation
  • 3 min discussion
  • 2 min break (time for changing to another session)

This firm schedule will be strictly enforced by automatic alarm clocks. The chair of a session will abort presentations that run out of time.

Language of the presentation

The official language of the conference is German. Yet, contributions in English are welcome and will also be accepted.
Please use the same language for your lecture presentation as in your abstract and your final paper. The language in your slide show can be English even for German lectures.

Technical equipment and presentation mode

A laptop computer, a video projector (16:9 or 4:3 display ratio), a laser pointer, and audio equipment for the playback of audio files are available in every lecture room. Own laptops cannot be used. To point out details in your presentation, please use the computer mouse (instead of a laser pointer) as your pointing device. It is possible to play back audio recordings from the laptop in good mono quality. The lecture will be broadcast live via web conference for online participants.

Web conferences via the Zoom program are used for the sessions (here is an introduction to the tool).
The lecture shall be prepared as video from powerpoint slides + sound and shall be uploaded until 14 March (see below), at the latest. This video will be presented both online and on-site, played by the hall staff.
The following 3-minute live discussion time after the presentation will be guided by the session chair in both cases. All questions from the on-site and online audience will be asked and answered live. Herefore, online speakers need a PC or laptop, a stable internet connection, microphone and optionally a camera. We ask you to test the functionality of your devices in good time via the app (Soundcheck area) and to contact the helpdesk at least 24 hours before the presentation in case of problems.

Media Check-In

Due to hygienic requirements and longer waiting times, we recommend uploading your presentation in advance to avoid time bottlenecks and technical problems:

Go to the presentation upload
Deadline: 14 March 2022, 23:59

Alternatively, please bring your presentation on USB flash drive to the conference and make sure to transfer it to the laptops at the onsite media check-in well before the start of the session. It is placed in the Fachschaftsbereich in building 47. Technical staff is ready to assist. At the on-site media check-in, the presentations can be checked in advance for correct display and compatibility with the installed PDF / PowerPoint version. It is essential to ensure that the storage media used are virus-free.

Please submit your presentation as a video. To do this, record your presentation with audio commentary as an MP4 or WMV file.

Go to the video upload

Please name your video file after your reference number before uploading, e.g. "629.mp4".
Guide for recording your presentation as video file
Deadline: 14 March 2022, 23:59

The video will always be started by the room staff.

No separate Zoom invitation is required for the subsequent discussion. Please enter the Zoom meeting via the app by navigating to your contribution in the app and following the access link provided there. Please dial into the meeting early to inform the moderator of your presence.
In addition, you should have tested your equipment in any case via the sound check in the app. The sound check is expected to be activated at the beginning of March with the release of the app and will be accessible at any time. 

For all presenters:
Video / presentation upload area
Deadline: 14. March 22, 23:59
(after the deadline on-site authors use the media check-in on-site).

Media Check-In opening hours:
Mon, March 21: 11h00 - 17h00
Tue, March 22: 08h00 - 17h00
Wed, March 23: 08h00 - 17h00
Thu, March 24: 08h00 - 15h00